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The Blog

Introducing Founder and CEO, Eden Holt

Updated: Feb 22

I've always loved connecting to others and hearing their stories as they embark on their journey of self discovery. There's something about inspiration and exploration that truly ignites a piece of my heart. My passion for helping people started at a young age and transpired into a search for authentic connection to ourselves and our impact in the world around us. The Connection Effect was born out of an opportunity to support clients in their pursuit of balance, connection, and adventure as they dive into the pieces that create the incredible, unique humans that we are.

I want to share openly and without hesitation, the love and joy that I experience every single day as an enthusiast for all things nature, connection, and growth. Join me and the many others that will be featured here in this sacred space, as we share with you and the world through our lens.

Who am I?

Multi-certified Life Coach. Mother. Wife. Business Owner. Avid Advocate. Nature Enthusiast. Connector. Ready for all of the adventures!

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